Kudos to Saber – Space Marine 2's roadmap has all the juicy bits for free, though sprucing up your blueberry friends will cost you

Exterminatus. Exterminatus. You are all exterminated. None of you are free from sin. Except maybe Focus Interactive really is? While it would be a monumentally idiotic turnaround to go back on its promise to only charge Space Marine 2 players an extra week for cosmetics and change before the shooter's September 9 release date, the new Year 1 roadmap at least seems piously clear.

In a recent chat with James at Gamescom (presumably from his cathedral ship made of graphics cards), Saber boss Tim Willits whipped out an armoured horse and proceeded to whip it mercilessly, saying that players didn't want to be sold the equivalent of Oblivion's infamous DLC father. As many of you may have noticed, this seemed like an odd comparison when Spice Maureen 2 specifically plans to charge for similar cosmetics, though I assume Willits was referring to the “packs” that his space game's trinkets come in. “Our fans never thought we copied them from World War Z,” he said, comparing Space Marine 2's optional items to that game.

Whether you find the cosmetics price excessive or not, yesterday's roadmap seems to deliver on Saber's promise of separating wearables and playables. Here's what it's like:


Image credit: Interactive Saber

“The Season Pass was designed as a way to enhance your character customization,” the update on Steam reads. “All gameplay additions listed here in the roadmap (including weapons, game modes, and maps) are planned to arrive in *free game patches* and will be available to everyone.”

The paid portion of the roadmap is only available to season pass holders. Currently, that means players buy either the £80/€90/$90 'Gold' edition or the £90/€100/$100 'Ultra' edition. Of the items listed in the plan, I can see the Dark Angels pack stinging a bit – they're one of the most visually distinct chapters, all flowing capes and ornate liveries. This guy even has a personal Jawa helmet. For the price of the Ultra edition, you could buy three little plastic Jawa helmets And a meal offer and then you could balance your Double Decker on all three Jawas helmets and then You could say, “Give me my snack, faithful servants.” It wouldn't work, but it would be a good moment nonetheless.

Edwin, James and I also had a great time with Space Marine 2, although we did have a few common complaints. What complaints, you ask? They're in the song, you wannabe click-stealer.

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